The health of an individual is influenced by a broad array of factors including individual behavior and characteristics that affect the physical and social environments and income levels, as well as things that affect our lives and, therefore, WHO would like to know more about public perceptions of health, given the evolving population demographics and nature of diseases, the increase in life expectancy and improvements in healthcare since its first definition was formulated in 1948.
WHO is asking citizens to think about their who definition of health. Then, they can write a 60-word essay that outlines what they mean by health or, more specifically what is their definition of health.
Who is eligible?
Participation is available to everyone and submissions from young people are encouraged.
Submissions must be original works by the author and not published. Ingenious and imaginative definitions are welcome.
What is the reason for 60 terms?
WHO is asking for submissions of just 60 words in order to commemorate the 60th session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean which is scheduled to occur in October.
WHO's work WHO in the region is overseen by the Regional Committee.
The sessions of the Regional Committee include Ministers of Health and other high-level officials. WHO plans to showcase the submissions of the participants at the conference to make them aware of public perceptions' changing perceptions about health. Submissions will be made available to the WHO Regional Office web site and will be used in WHO advocacy tools.